Our services

Strategic Positioning Concepts

We will define the feasibility of your project, and the most suitable concept and commercial strategy. Allow yourself to save energy, time and money while we make your project more profitable.

In order to offer target-oriented products based on the strategic orientation of a hotel, we recommend a strategic product development workshop with Kilizma. The basis for strategic product development is a clearly formulated strategy (vision) and a definition of the target groups. Results of the strategic product development are target group oriented products and packages for their different seasons and their target groups. In addition to the products,a sales action plan is drawn up.


Based on the documents provided by the customer according to our checklist, we create a marketing tourism marketing report in the form of reports with concrete, individual recommendations for the future.

We are happy to design a marketing concept together with you with a first action plan (usually for one year). Duration of consultation: around 2-3 months.

Based on the motives of the guests and the strategic business areas of the company, bookable offers are developed with the aim of creating a booking incentive.

On the basis of the customer’s website improvement potentials are shown and concrete implementation recommendations given – furthermore, a detailed report is deposited (with best practice examples, concrete improvement measures and implementation tips).


Gradual development and installation of an individual, implementable controlling system in close cooperation with the entrepreneur. The aim of the project is to create an effective system for the determination and preparation of management-relevant company data, to set up a continuous reporting system in order to continuously improve the already very good operating results. The responsible employees or a controller in charge of operations are intensively trained on all the controlling tools used to ensure that the operation is managed (also) through figures and to secure a long-term improvement in results and the liquidity of the operation.

After collecting the IST data for the last three financial years, the economic goals for next year will be set in a budget workshop with entrepreneurs and department heads.

We elaborate the department-specific budget on a monthly basis.

Employee management

On the basis of a detailed analysis of the entire employee area, the rationalization potential in the employee costs of the existing company is shown and a catalog of measures for the exploitation of these potentials is worked out.

Joint development of a comprehensive human resource management system for your hotel and implementation in the form of HR workshops with the management and the cadre team in order to increase employee loyalty in the company and to make it easier for new good employees.

Quality management

Implementation of a quality assurance system in the hotel by the (together with the executives) creation of quality manuals and the enrollment for the current work in the working day.

An EFQM quality management system as a superstructure is developed individually for operation and implemented in collaboration with the executives.

Price Optimization

The basis is a detailed price check (evaluation of price comparisons with structurally similar and comparable establishments from your environment and other regions). From this, recommendations for optimizing prices and a catalog of measures for future pricing are drawn up.

On the basis of a detailed analysis of the economic and structural conditions of the hotel, several workshops will be held to clarify all questions concerning an implementable revenue management.

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